If you want to obtain a license to practice massage therapy in South Dakota you will need to fulfill certain education and examination requirements.
There are some great massage therapy schools in South Dakota as you will see below, they will be able to take you through the curriculum.
Just type your ZIP code in the search box to find out if there are some schools near you or where you want to relocate to.
Read on for everything you need to know about obtaining your license, the fees, requirements, and what to do next to get started on your new career as a massage therapist in South Dakota.
Massage Therapy Schools in South Dakota
Below is a list of some of the top massage therapy schools in South Dakota. Take a browse or for a more up-to-date list by ZIP code use the box above.
You’ll find schools in all the major cities, like Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Aberdeen, Brookings, Watertown, Mitchell, Yankton, Pierre, and more.
South Dakota School of Massage Therapy, Inc.
Sioux Falls, SD, USA
+1 605-321-8838
Website – http://www.sdschoolmassage.com/
Springs Bath House School of Massage Therapy
Hot Springs, SD, USA
+1 888-817-1972
Website – NA
Headlines Academy
Rapid City, SD, USA
+1 605-348-4247
Website – http://www.headlinesacademy.com/
Have I missed any schools? If you want me to add your school to my listing just drop me a mail here.
Schooling and Licensing Requirements in South Dakota
There are some education and examination requirements to obtain a license in the state of South Dakota.
You will need to complete a minimum of 500 hours education at an approved school. There will be a wide range of areas covered which your school and tutor will be able to talk you through.
You will also need to pass one of the national massage therapy exams. Such as the MBLEx, NCETM, or the NCETMB.
The licensing process is overseen by South Dakota Board of Massage Therapy. They are the regulatory board in the state so I always recommend directing any questions to them.
The South Dakota Board of Massage Therapy Contact Details
For applications, forms, support, and up-to-date information contact the South Dakota Board of Massage Therapy.
Their contact details are as follows:
South Dakota Board of Massage Therapy
Pierre, SD, USA
+1 605-224-1721
Website – https://doh.sd.gov/boards/massage/
Why Choose South Dakota for Massage Therapy Schooling?
South Dakota is one of those quiet states that go under the radar for all the right reasons.
There is a small town life feeling and culture, making it a great place to start a business and build up loyal customer-base.
Home to one of the most famous sculptures in the world, Mount Rushmore, there is a large amount of tourist traffic passing through too.
South Dakota is a great place to live and work. So, why not contact a school today and take the first step towards starting your new career as a massage therapist.

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.