Discussing health issues, especially those of a sensitive nature like diarrhea, can be uncomfortable, particularly in a professional setting.
Our blog post, “What to Say When Calling in Sick with Diarrhea,” aims to guide you through this delicate conversation with dignity, ensuring you communicate your situation effectively while maintaining your privacy.
10 Examples of What to Say When Calling in Sick with Diarrhea
“I’m currently experiencing some severe gastrointestinal discomfort that has made it quite difficult for me to leave the vicinity of my home. Unfortunately, this means I won’t be able to attend work today and fulfill my duties effectively.”
“I seem to have contracted a stomach bug that’s left me quite debilitated, rendering me unable to perform my work tasks. For the well-being of myself and my colleagues, I find it best to take the day off to recover.”
“Today, I’m facing acute stomach issues that are proving to be quite disruptive, necessitating my stay at home. I hope to manage these symptoms and return to work as soon as possible.”
“I’m currently dealing with a condition that’s keeping me in the bathroom for extended periods, making it impractical for me to come into the office. I’ll be taking a sick day to focus on my recovery.”
“My current state of health, characterized by significant digestive health issues, has impaired my ability to commute and work effectively. I will need to take a day off to address these symptoms and hopefully return to work feeling better.”
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“This morning I was hit with a wave of gastrointestinal distress, which requires immediate and ongoing attention. It’s with regret that I must inform you I’ll be unable to fulfill my work obligations today.”
“Intense stomach discomfort has necessitated my seeking immediate medical attention, and as such, I will not be able to attend work today. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.”
“I’m currently suffering from a severe digestive upset that has rendered me incapacitated and unable to fulfill my professional responsibilities. I’ll need to take today off to recover and hope to be back at work tomorrow.”
“Today, I find myself incapacitated by a significant stomach ailment, making it impossible for me to perform my duties at the office. I will need to spend the day at home, focusing on recovery and rehydration.”
“I am enduring a severe case of food poisoning with symptoms that prevent me from leaving home, let alone coming to work. I will need to take today to recover and ensure I do not pose a risk to my colleagues.”
Calling In with Diarrhea Can Be Embarrassing, but It Shouldn’t Be!
Calling in sick with diarrhea can be an embarrassing experience for several reasons, largely due to the personal and somewhat taboo nature of the condition.
Here’s why:
Social Stigma: Digestive issues, such as diarrhea, are often considered private matters. Discussing them, even in the context of health, can feel like a breach of societal norms around privacy and decorum.
Nature of the Symptoms: The symptoms associated with diarrhea, including frequent trips to the bathroom and potential for accidents, are often subjects of embarrassment in many cultures. Admitting to these symptoms can make individuals feel vulnerable and exposed.
Perceived Lack of Seriousness: Unlike more visibly debilitating conditions, gastrointestinal issues might not always be perceived as valid or serious reasons for missing work. This perception can make individuals hesitant to share the true reason for their absence, fearing judgment or disbelief.
Fear of Oversharing: There’s a fine line between providing a valid reason for absence and oversharing personal medical details. Striking this balance can be stressful, with many worrying about crossing into territory that might make their colleagues or superiors uncomfortable.
Workplace Culture: In work environments where personal health issues are not openly discussed or where there’s a culture of ‘powering through’ illness, admitting to needing time off for something like diarrhea can be particularly daunting.
Associations with Hygiene: Diarrhea can sometimes (erroneously) be associated with poor personal hygiene or irresponsible eating habits, leading to potential embarrassment about being judged for personal lifestyle choices.
Navigating this conversation requires sensitivity and a mutual understanding that health issues, regardless of their nature, can affect anyone and are a legitimate reason for needing time off.
Creating a workplace culture that respects privacy while acknowledging the validity of all health concerns can help reduce the embarrassment associated with calling in sick for any reason, including diarrhea.
Wrapping Up
When you find yourself needing to call in sick, especially with symptoms like diarrhea, it’s crucial to communicate your condition in a manner that is both professional and considerate of your privacy.
Being explicit about your inability to work while sparing the more uncomfortable details can help maintain a respectful dialogue with your employer.
It’s essential to prioritize your health and recovery to ensure you can return to your duties as effectively as possible.

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.