Becoming a parent is an adventure full of surprises, joy, and, yes, a lot of hilariously unexpected moments.
Here are 50 bits of funny advice to help you get ready for parenthood with a good sense of humor!
50+ Bits of Funny Advice for Parents to Be
- Sleep is overrated—prepare to run on coffee and sheer determination.
- If it’s too quiet, be suspicious. Silence is rarely golden with kids around.
- You’ll never love cold coffee until you become a parent. Embrace it.
- Learn to eat one-handed. Babies have impeccable timing.
- Diapers are not created equal. You’ll soon have a favorite brand.
- Baby wipes will solve 99% of your problems. Stock up now.
- Accept that your car will never be clean again. Ever.
- Invest in stain remover—it’ll become your new best friend.
- You’re about to become a pro at deciphering baby cries. (Or trying to, anyway.)
- You’ll soon be able to shower, eat, and dress in record time. Olympic skills, really.
- Learn to laugh at yourself. Parenting will keep you humble.
- Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, your baby will switch it up.
- Your kids will never love toys as much as they love empty boxes.
- Accept that you’re not allowed to eat anything in peace ever again.
- Sleep training is really just you crying while the baby stares at you.
- Plan to never leave the house on time. It just won’t happen.
- Master the art of the “poker face” for those questionable diaper changes.
- Your vocabulary will become surprisingly nursery rhyme-centric.
- You’ll never want alone time more… or get less of it.
- Prepare for unsolicited advice—from everyone. Smile and nod.
- Food on the floor is a fact of life. Just let it go.
- Baby’s first word will be “no”—you’ll hear it more than any other.
- TV isn’t a babysitter… but sometimes, it’s close enough.
- You’ll say “be careful” so often, it loses meaning.
- Nap when the baby naps. Seriously, it’s not a joke.
- If you hear yourself repeating things five times, congrats, you’re a parent.
- Your diaper bag is your new purse. Embrace the change.
- Going out? Make a list. Then a backup list. You’ll still forget something.
- Your laundry load is about to triple—don’t ask how, it just does.
- Learn to say goodbye to personal space. Kids don’t know boundaries.
- Everyone has an opinion about parenting—trust yourself first.
- You’ll start dreaming about naptime. It’s your new favorite time of day.
- You’ll learn to survive on very little sleep. It’s your new superpower.
- The one time you forget a spare diaper is when disaster will strike.
- Baby-proofing will have you second-guessing every piece of furniture.
- Celebrate the small victories, like finding a clean shirt.
- Your idea of “romantic dinner” will soon be takeout after baby bedtime.
- Your calendar will soon be filled with playdates, not dinner dates.
- If you can’t find your phone, check the toy box. Or the fridge.
- Get used to “mystery stains” on everything you own.
- You’ll get more exercise chasing a toddler than any gym membership.
- Learn to lower your standards on cleanliness… by a lot.
- The toys will multiply. Prepare to be outnumbered by plastic.
- Any quiet time will feel like winning the lottery. Enjoy it.
- Pack extra clothes for you too, not just the baby. Trust us.
- There will be messes. Embrace the messes.
- Learn to embrace pajama days; they’re more frequent than you think.
- Make peace with the fact that you’ll have little fingerprints everywhere.
- You’ll get very skilled at pretending to be asleep when the baby cries.
- Remember, every parent is winging it. You’re not alone—laugh, love, and enjoy!
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Parenthood is a wild ride, filled with countless funny moments, surprises, and joys. With a good sense of humor, even the toughest days will be filled with love and laughter.

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.