First Massage What To Wear

First Massage? What to Wear Explained!

Just about everyone is nervous about their first massage, and even their second or more.

It’s completely normal.

One of the things most people are anxious about is what is appropriate to wear – but it’s really not that big of a deal!

If you’re going for your first massage, here’s everything you need about what to wear:


For Your First Massage – Here’s What to Wear

Most people opt to wear loose, stretchy, comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in.

This could be anything from yoga pants and a tank top to sweatpants and a t-shirt.

You want to be sure that you are comfortable and won’t have any restrictions in your movement.

The therapist will need to be able to access your arms, legs, and back – so if you want to keep something on to protect your modesty, wear something that can easily be moved or worked around

Of course, you can always opt for the traditional draping method where you’re wearing nothing and a sheet is used to cover your body.

This is completely up to you and what makes you most comfortable!

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable.

If you’re not comfortable, it’s going to be hard to fully relax and enjoy your massage.

So whether you choose to go with loose-fitting clothing or the draping method, just be sure that you’re comfortable with what you’re wearing.

The bottom line is that it’s really nothing to stress over.

People get hung up on being able to undress quickly or wearing something that doesn’t look too casual – but trust me, it really doesn’t matter.

Related Here is what to wear for a Swedish massage.

Some Tips when Considering What to Wear to A Massage

Dress how You Feel Comfortable

This is probably the most important tip when it comes to deciding what to wear to a massage.

You’re going to be spending an hour or more with a therapist – so you want to be sure that you’re comfortable with what you’re wearing.

If you have any restrictions in your clothing, it’s going to make it harder to fully relax.

You Don’t Need to Be Self-Conscious

A lot of people feel self-conscious about what they’re wearing – but you really don’t need to be.

Your therapist has seen it all before and they’re not judging you.

They just want you to be comfortable so that you can enjoy your massage.

I know it’s easier said than done, but there’s no need to worry about what you look like.

Just relax and enjoy the massage!

Don’t Worry About Body Hair – Your Therapist Won’t Mind

If you’re worried about body hair, don’t be.

Your therapist has seen it all before and they’re not going to judge you.

They just want you to be comfortable so that you can enjoy your massage.

Again, I know it’s easier said than done – but try to relax and enjoy the massage!

I can guarantee you that your massage therapist has seen bodies on both ends of the spectrum; those that are hairier than you, and those with less hair than you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Your Massage Therapist if You Have Any Questions

If you’re still unsure about what to wear, don’t be afraid to ask your massage therapist.

They’ll be more than happy to answer any questions that you have.

And if you’re still not sure, like I keep saying – just wear something you’re comfortable in.

What to Wear After a Massage?

After your massage, you’ll want to wear something loose and comfortable so that’s another reason why you should turn up in those clothes.

You might feel a little bit sore after your massage – so it’s also important to wear something that won’t irritate your skin.

Again, yoga pants and a tank top or sweatpants and a t-shirt are always good options.

You can also bring a change of clothes with you if you want to – but it’s not necessary.

How to Wear Your Hair to A Massage

This really depends on personal preference.

If you have long hair, you may want to put it up in a ponytail or bun so that it’s out of the way.

Or you could leave it down if you prefer.

Again, it’s all about what makes you comfortable. As long as your hair isn’t getting in the way of the therapist’s massage strokes, it’s not going to be a problem.

The same goes for makeup – if you’re comfortable wearing it, then go for it.

But if you prefer to go without, that’s perfectly fine too!

Keep in mind that you’re probably going to be pressing your face through a hole in a massage table, so any makeup might be spoiled.

Related Here is what massage therapists wear and whether or not they should wear nail polish.

In Summary

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in!

If you’re still unsure, just wear something loose and comfortable that won’t irritate your skin.

And don’t forget to ask your massage therapist if you have any questions.

They’ll be more than happy to answer them. Enjoy your massage!

Header Photo by Usen Parmanov on Unsplash

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