Are Soy Candles Safe for Cats

Are Soy Candles Safe for Cats? (They Can Be, Here’s What You Need to Know!)

If you are a cat owner and like using candles in your home, you may be wondering whether soy candles are the safest option as they’re an eco-friendly option.

While soy candles are generally considered to be safer for cats than other types of candles, there are still some potential risks to be aware of.

Before you cancel your order or put your soy candles away, here’s what you need to know about cats and soy candles:


Are all candles toxic to cats?

I’m sure you’ve heard of the risks candles present to cats and other pets.

However, not all candles are toxic to cats, but certain types of candles can be harmful if ingested or inhaled.

Candles made from paraffin wax, for example, can release harmful chemicals such as benzene and toluene when they are burned.

These chemicals can be harmful to cats if inhaled in large quantities, or even smaller amounts if your cat is super sensitive.

As a rule of thumb, if you have pets in your home you should not use paraffin candles.

Paraffin candles may be the most popular type of wax used for candles, but there are safer, and should I say ‘better’ options!

Related Here’s what you need to be aware of when using candles with essential oils around cats.

Other candle wax types that are safer than paraffin for pets

In addition to soy candles, there are a few other types of candle wax that are safer for pets:

  • Beeswax candles: Beeswax candles are made from the wax produced by bees and are non-toxic and hypoallergenic.
  • Palm wax candles: Palm wax candles are made from the oil of the palm tree and are non-toxic and biodegradable.
  • Coconut wax candles: Coconut wax candles are made from coconut oil and are non-toxic and biodegradable.
  • Soy wax candles: As discussed in this post, soy wax candles are made from soybeans and are non-toxic and biodegradable.

The pros of these options are worth it for peace of mind that your feline friend is safe, even with a lit candle in the room.

The only real downsides are that they do not burn as long as paraffin wax candles and they can be a bit pricier.

Ultimately, if you love the scents, looks, and uses of candles in your home and want to use them safely with your pet around, these options are the way to go.

Why soy candles are safer than paraffin candles

Soy candles are generally considered to be safer for cats than paraffin candles because they are made from soybean oil, which is a natural and biodegradable resource.

Soy candles also burn cleanly and do not produce harmful chemicals as paraffin candles do.

In addition, soy wax is biodegradable and does not produce harmful pollutants when it is burned.

This makes soy candles a much better option when it comes to pet safety.

Are scented candles toxic for cats to inhale?

While the wax used in candles is generally not toxic to cats, the fragrances and essential oils used in scented candles can be harmful if ingested or inhaled by pets.

For example, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and citrus oils can all be toxic to cats and should be avoided.

Fragrance oil candles aren’t much better either as they still contain volatile organic compounds which can be harmful if inhaled.

The best course of action is to avoid scented candles altogether, or use soy candles with natural fragrance in them.

Are lavender candles safe for cats?

Lavender oil is generally considered to be safer than a lot of other fragrances to use around cats in small amounts.

However, it is always a good idea to be cautious when using essential oils around pets.

If you do use lavender candles in your home, be sure to keep them out of reach of your cats and follow the instructions on the label.

I still choose to use candles in a room where my cat isn’t present, just to be on the safe side.

Don’t forget the fire hazard cats and candles pose!

While talking about the ingredients in a candle and the potential toxicity to cats, I can’t forget to mention the obvious fire hazard posed by having a lit candle in the same room as your pet.

Cats and candles should never be left alone together, and you should always make sure your candles are in a safe place where they won’t be knocked over by a curious pet.

It is also important to make sure the wick of your candle is trimmed regularly, and that you are using a proper candle holder to ensure the flame is not coming into contact with anything that can catch fire.

Related Do Yankee Candles make soy candles? Are Yankee candles really vegan? Answers here!

In Summary

Soy candles are generally considered to be safer for cats than paraffin candles because they do not produce harmful chemicals when they are burned.

They’re also a lot better for the environment which counts for a lot for me when I’m considering the types of candles I want to use.

Whatever candles you use, it is still important to be cautious when using them around pets and children.

The fragrances and essential oils used in scented candles can be harmful if ingested or inhaled.

If you do use candles in your home, be sure to keep them out of reach of your cats and always follow the instructions on the label for recommended use.

Image credits – Photo by Melanie Andersen on Unsplash

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