Young living makes some of the most expensive, luxurious, impressive and innovative diffusers available on the market. I’ve used a couple and I have to say, they really are well-crafted products.
Finding your Young Living diffuser not working properly can be frustrating and annoying. I’m not going to comment on how the Young Living diffusers stack up against other brands when it comes to reliability. I don’t have any data on this. But from hanging around in forums I am aware that people do have issues with their diffusers on occasion.
I thought I would put together this post more as a general guide to maintaining and looking after your diffuser to avoid some of the common failings. As well as how to find out what might be wrong with the unit, and potentially fix it.
If your diffuser is still under warranty always return it of course. You pay for a warranty as part of the cost, use it. But if you’re out of warranty, here are some troubleshooting options you can try.
My Diffuser Doesn’t Have Power
- Check the plug is securely fitted into the wall socket. Try another socket in case there is an issue at this point.
- Check the power adapter you’re using is the right type as per regulations where you live.
- Check the wire going into the diffuser is not loose or has any kinks in it.
- Check you have enough water in the diffuser as there is a safety cut off switch on most models that will cut in if the water is too low.
Young Living Diffuser Repair Kit – Spare Ultrasonic Element
You can pick up an exact factory matched ultrasonic element replacement to help with any of the following issues in particular:
- Diffuser is not working, there are no lights, or the lights flick on and off.
- Diffuser is giving a low water vapor output.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to be handy with electronics to fit the new part. It comes with instructions and is really straight forward. Just be sure you’re not still in your warranty period and aren’t entitled to a replacement device before taking it apart!
Click here to buy this Young Living repair kit on eBay!
My Diffuser Is Producing Very Little Mist
- Check the diffuser has enough water in. Try emptying it and refilling it after it’s dried out.
- Give your unit a clean through with citric acid, carefully following the manufacturer’s guidelines.
- Check if your model has a different setting for the volume of diffusing and adjust if applicable.
My Diffuser Has Lights and Power but Doesn’t Start
- Check what setting the model has and if you need to toggle through to a different option.
- Empty the diffuser, give it a clean and try again.
- Unplug from the mains and plug back in and try again.
General Maintenance Tips
Keeping your diffuser in good working order can reduce the chance of it not working or malfunctioning. Here are some general tips to maintain your unit.
- Only use the adapter supplied with the diffuser as per the manufacturer. Never try to use a third-party adapter as this can cause a power surge and blow the unit, or potentially cause a fire.
- Always fill your unit up with water and oil before turning it on.
- Never overfill the diffuser, this can cause some serious problems with your unit. Don’t move it while it’s full of water and working either.
- Only use essential oils from reputable brands. Never put anything else in the diffuser as a trial. Other oils, perfumes, and chemicals can damage the unit and stop it from working.
- Make sure the unit is on a flat, firm surface. Using in on uneven ground can cause the sensors to malfunction.
- At first sign of any problems always re-boot the unit by unplugging it and plugging it back in.
Keep Your Diffuser Clean
Some essential oils will leave behind small deposits of resin and wax. These build up over time and compromise the performance of a diffuser. Some will also cause the plastic to change color if it’s white. This doesn’t harm the performance of the unit however.
I always wipe my unit down after every few uses. This keeps it running smoothly and stops the potential for deposits to build up. An alcohol wipe or a cloth with some mild cleaning fluid will do. Don’t use any strong chemicals or abrasive materials.
If you have some stubborn stains and deposits you can run the unit with water and a few drops of vinegar. This will shift most issues. You can also use some citrus essential oils on some models, but you should check your manual for clarification. Citrus can do harm to some models of diffuser.
In Summary
If you want your diffuser to run optimally and last years it will take a little maintenance. I say little because it’s not a lot. Just a wipe out each week or after every few uses. Don’t bend the wires or drop it, and never overfill it.
It’s like most electrical devices. The better you look after it, the better it will look after you. Problems are virtually unheard of, there isn’t a lot to go wrong with them.

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.