When most people think of massage therapy they think of deep and hard techniques. Working into the muscles and tissue to work out knots and pains. But what is light touch massage therapy?
Light touch massage (also just known as light touch therapy) is as the name suggests, a message utilizing lighter touches. Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, acupressure, they are all focused on working as hard as necessary to help with the aches and pains.
Light touch therapy is a much less formal type of massage. The client often attends a session and stays clothed. Sessions can be short around 10-15 minutes at first. If you’re familiar with qigong or lymph drainage massage you will notice some similarities in the treatments.
The main purpose of a light touch therapy session is to free the body’s natural energy. Much like with acupressure, light touch techniques are designed to free the energy pathways. It uses a softer approach than acupressure, and no needles as you would find with acupuncture. So it’s a more accessible and softer approach.
The therapist will use skin rolling and myofascial release by pinching at the skin lightly. Tailoring the session to the clients needs, and working on areas as specified. This can be carried out both laying down or seated.
Light Touch Massage Definition
The definition of light touch massage is to perform light massage strokes to help release trapped energy and restore the body’s natural balance. By using only their hands, the therapist can resolve pains in the client’s body, and in the muscles and surface areas.
Light Touch Massage Techniques
The main techniques involved in light touch therapy involve two different hand shapes and motions. These are ‘V’ and ‘S’ motions. S motions across the spine and neck are sweeping motions that stimulate blood flow and release stress.
V motions are worked with both hands and are more effective and relieving stress and tension in the body. A combination of both techniques are usually incorporated into a therapy session. Along with a lot of other light percussion and other techniques found in different massage types.
Benefits of Light Touch Massage Therapy
Much like a lot of massage therapies, light touch massage therapy helps stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. As well as promoting good emotional well-being. It’s very relaxing, and if you give yourself the time afterwards to enjoy the relaxation you will get a lot more from the treatment.
Good for People New to Massage
It’s particularly useful for people new to massage. It’s a lot less intimidating that an oil massage as you don’t necessarily need to derobe. The preparation before and afterwards is quicker. It’s also easier to fit into your day if you’re in a hurry.
Swedish massage techniques are often too firm, especially for newcomers to massage therapy. Light touches are a great as an introduction as it’s very soft and will not hurt anyone.
Stimulates Endorphins
It’s still able to stimulate those feel good chemicals in the brain and you can leave the session feeling like a brand new person. Do not under-estimate the power of a good light touch session, it’s incredibly refreshing.
Safe for Pregnant Women
Another benefit is that it’s safe for pregnant women in their later stages of pregnancy when Swedish or hot stone massages are not suitable. Often providing some much needed relaxation and muscle work.
Reduces Stress
Stress affects people in all kinds of ways, but they are all negative. Leaving stress to worsen or build up it very dangerous and interferes with the body’s healing ability.
Light touch techniques reduce the levels of stress a client is feeling though relaxation and releasing tension being held in muscles and tissue groups.
Light Touch Massage Benefits at a Glance
- Great for people new to massage treatments
- Not much preparation before and after the session
- Stimulates endorphins and feel good chemicals
- Safe for pregnant women
- Effective at reducing stress

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.