If an intern is working their last day or has already left, sending them a farewell message and wishing them all the best for the future is the perfect send-off.
Working an internship is often one of the most influential and enjoyable times of a student’s life, so making sure they know that you appreciate their hard work and wish them only the best is essential.
Here are examples of a farewell message to intern student you can use to do exactly that:
22 Farewell Message to Intern Student
- “Dear [name], I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that it was a pleasure working with you while you did your internship here. I have no doubt you’re going to have a very successful career, all the best and a fond farewell.”
- “Dear [name], We hope that you found your time here both beneficial and enjoyable. You should be proud of all the hard work you put in, and we wish you all the best for your future.”
- “Dear ____, It’s been such an amazing experience having you here as part of our team and we’ll miss you. All the best for your future endeavors! Goodbye and have a great life!”
- “Dear ____, As you move on to the next chapter in your career, we just want to say thank you for all that you did during your time here. You were a valuable asset to our team and we wish you much success going forward.”
- “Dear ____, Thank you for bringing enthusiasm and dedication to our company during your internship. We know that these skills will serve you well in the future, wherever your journey takes you. Good luck!”
- “Dear ____, Your passion and commitment has been an inspiration over the past few months. We are so proud of everything that you achieved here and we wish only the best for your future endeavors.”
- “Dear ____, It’s been a pleasure having you as part of our team for the past few months. We know that your experience here has been invaluable and we wish you all the best in your future!”
- “Dear ____, It was an honor to have you here while you did your internship with us. You gave it your all and it showed – now go out and make something great happen! All the best!”
- “Dear ____, Thank you so much for the enthusiasm and hard work that you brought to our team during your time here. You are going to do amazing things in the future and we can’t wait to see it! All the best.”
- “Dear ____, As your internship comes to an end, we just wanted to say thank you for everything that you have done while here. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors – goodbye and good luck!”
- “Dear ____, You have been a great asset to our team during your internship and we are so proud of all that you accomplished. We hope that you take away positive experiences from this experience and use them in the future. All the best!”
- “Dear ____, Thank you for all your efforts over these past few months! You have been a valuable asset to our team and we know that your hard work will take you far in life. Best of luck with wherever life takes you next!”
- “Dear ____, Your enthusiasm and dedication will be missed here. We know that you have grown so much over your time here and we wish you the best in all future endeavors. Goodbye and good luck!”
- “Dear ____, As your internship draws to a close, we just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work and dedication that you put into this experience. Your enthusiasm has been contagious and we are proud of all that you have achieved! All the best!”
- “Dear ____, You have been an incredible asset to our team while you were here. We can’t wait to see what great things you will do in the future – goodbye and best wishes!”
- “Dear ____, It’s been such a pleasure having you as part of our team for the past few months. We know that you have grown so much and we wish you all the best for your future endeavors! Goodbye and good luck!”
- “Dear ____, Thank you for being a part of our team during your internship here. You made a real impact with your hard work and dedication, and we are proud of all that you achieved! All the best in whatever comes next.”
- “Dear ____, It’s bittersweet writing you this farewell message as it means our time together has come to an end. On the plus side, we know you’re going to excel in whatever you choose to do, so the future is bright! Good luck.”
- “Dear ____, We feel so fortunate to have had such an awesome person spending their internship with us, and we certainly hope you feel the same about us! However, all good things come to an end, farewell and all the best for the future.”
- “Dear ____, Thank you for everything that you have done during your internship with us. You have been a great addition to our team and we know that you will continue to achieve great things in the future. Best of luck!”
- “Dear ____, As we part ways at the end of your internship, we just wanted to express our deepest gratitude for all that you did here. We wish you success and happiness in whatever lies ahead! Goodbye and good luck.”
- “Dear ____, A sincere thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm during your time with us. You have been an amazing addition to the team, and we know that you will go on to do great things in life – good luck!”
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Image credits – Photo by TheStandingDesk on Unsplash

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.