Mangoes are delicious fruits that are commonly found in desserts, added to dishes for flavour, or eaten as a raw fruit. For a lot of people, it’s the mango seed oil benefits that are the best part of the fruit.
Mangoes are versatile and interesting fruits. You may have seen butters, oils, capsules, powders, there really are a lot of applications and uses when you look at the whole tree and fruit. I’ve used the seed oil before and it lead me to research more about this fruit and I will share my findings in this article.
How to Make Mango Seed Oil at Home
You can make mango seed oil at home. If you eat or use mangoes and have been throwing the seeds out, it’s a great exercise in recycling and making the most of the whole fruit. The oil is rich is fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins so it’s hard to ignore for a little effort.
It’s not a difficult process to extract and make mango seed oil. The seeds have a coat around them that you first need to remove. Then mix the seeds with a little coconut oil and olive oil. You need to seal this mixture in a glass jar and leave is somewhere where it will be in sunlight for 7-10 days.
The oil is now ready to use. Throughout this article I will cover some of the health benefits and uses for mango oil, so read on and you may be pleasantly surprised.
Mango Seed Oil Health Benefits
Here are some of the health benefits associated with using mango seeds and seed oil:
Managing Cholesterol
Mango seeds increase the circulation of blood through your body which helps to reduce cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol and are looking for lifestyle and dietary changes use mango oil as part of your new choices and follow the effects.
Managing Diabetes
Living with diabetes takes some sacrifices and discipline. Mango seeds lower blood sugar levels which helps people to manage their energy levels. The seeds have active properties that slows down how much glucose the body absorbs. Used in combination with your own regime you will see and feel the difference.
Reducing Acne
Mango butters and scrubs are great for the skin and will help reduce the appearance and the amount of acne on your skin. Using a mango face scrub daily will make a difference to the feel and appearance of your skin. Making a welcome natural change to the abrasive chemical scrubs on the market.
Weight Control
Mango seeds and the fruit itself are effective ways to manage your weight naturally. The seeds naturally stimulate your body’s blood circulation and metabolism, along with being packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins.
Mango Seed Oil Benefits for Hair
You may have heard people say that they use mango seed oil for grey hair treatment. It’s one of those applications that go back and long time and there are a lot of people who swear it’s worked for them. Using it to lessen the appearance and cover grey hairs is just one of the uses this oil rich in nutrients can do for your hair. Here are some more reasons to use it on your hair:
Dandruff Control
Dandruff is hard to control if you are a sufferer. The chemical products on the market are not the most effective and can come with other side effects. Mango oil is a natural and effective way to get your dandruff under control.
Mango seed butter is recommended. It’s easy to massage into your hair and it will stay there for a few minutes and nourish the scalp. It smells great too, so no complaints there either.
Healthy and Shiny Looking Hair
As mentioned above, mango oil is packed with vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals. Our bodies thrive on these properties, and our hair in particular is a good sign of how healthy and nourished someone is. Using the oils in your hair and body will give your hair a lovely shine and healthy look that will make people stop and ask you what you’re using.
Mango Seed Oil Benefits for Skin
Raw Mango Butter
There are seemingly endless types of oils, lotions, and crèmes to be applied to skin for nourishing and moisturizing benefits. Mango seed oil is another lotion that comes with its own unique properties that hold some benefits when used on skin.
Lotions and body butters that use the seed oil are great moisturizers. It’s safe around the sensitive areas like the eyes and mouth, and gives skin a wonderfully smooth and nourished look and feel. It’s absorbed by the skin and keeps skin hydrated and moisturized for a long time.
Naturally rich in vitamins A and D, along with antioxidants and fatty acids. This product is often used to reduce the appearance of scars, stretchmark’s, and wrinkles.

I’m a MA, (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Reiki Master — I’m a licensed massage therapist with over 10 years of experience in the industry.